The Relationship Status

Back in grade school and even high school for some, relationships were known because of word of mouth. Gossip spread about what couples were together, or about those who were just “talking.” These terms are even only relevant to recent generations. Talking, or causal dating, has become a new phenomenon, demonstrated by those in college and even those in their later 20s and early 30s. Causal dating, or talking, presents an alternative for a serious relationship.

It allows you to spend time with someone that you have fun with, without the pressure of a relationship. Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day to balance everything. School, work, friends, and other activities can take up most of your time. It’s imperative to be happy on your own and with your own life before establishing a relationship, whether it’s serious or not. Without your own independent happiness, your relationship will be unhealthy because you’re only finding happiness through another person. Your significant other should add something to your life, but not be the sole reason you are happy. If this is the case, the health of other friendships will suffer because they will be affected by the current status of your romantic relationship.

Facebook is responsible for the urge in labels to identify the type of relationship you are in. The social networking website enables you to share your relationship status with several simple statements: Single, In a Relationship, Engaged, Married, or It’s Complicated. These statements really aren’t so simple though. Now relationships don’t really seem official until it’s “Facebook official.” This standard seems completely ridiculous to me. Since when has a website determined the strength or creditability of a relationship? It only takes two people to make a healthy relationship, not an entire social networking site. As long as you have trust in your partner, there’s no need to go crazy over a label brought about by Facebook. Simply calling your significant-other boyfriend or girlfriend should suffice.

Lesson: don’t let Facebook determine your relationships in life! Your relationship is between you and your partner, not all 1200 of your closest friends. Be happy on your own and let someone add something to your life other than stress!


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